Concerned organizations and individuals around the state
have created the Maine Campaign to Bring Our War $$ Home
as a way to promote the idea that our state's fiscal crisis is in large part due to the current spending on endless war in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. The current wars and occupations have now cost US taxpayers well over $1 trillion. Maine's share of that war spending is more than $3.4 billion. We invite you to imagine how that war money could have been spent here in Maine on education, health care, social programs, repairing our decaying roads and bridges, and building a world-class public transit system.
The total debt of all state governments in the U.S. is now $130 billion. The U.S. will spend $170 billion on our wars in Iraq-Afghanistan-Pakistan this year.
Forty-six states in the US today are in fiscal crisis. We must demand that our Congressional delegation vote against any further war spending and that they become leaders in the Congress on this important issue. We must also urge all elected officials (local, state, and federal) to speak out against continued war spending. Help us call on Maine's elected leaders to demand that we Bring Our War $$ Home now.
Check our calendar of events and help us build this campaign!
A bit of our history. . .
Bring our troops home now!
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